
Rules Of Discipline

Rules of Discipline

  • Good manners and etiquette are to be observed. Neatness in dress and deportment is expected. Politeness is the order of the day.
  • A gate pass will be issued for those who go home for lunch during the recess. No student will be allowed to leave the premises without a gate pass duly signed by a school authority
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  • Parents should see that their children are punctual. The school time is from 9 a.m. to 3.40 p.m.
  • Teachers and students must be present for the morning assembly.
  • Perfect silence has to be maintained in the school buildings and on the grounds at the first warning bell. At the second bell, the students should file up in silence for the assembly. The prayer begins at the third bell.
  • Strict silence and order should be maintained when moving from the grounds to the classroom or when changing classes is necessitated.
  • Students should be courteous and greet the Sisters and Teachers whenever and wherever they come across them.
  • The Identity Cards issued by the school should be worn on all days.
  • Do not litter the school premises.
  • Students must bring this handbook to school daily.
  • Students should speak English within the school premises, failing which strict action will be taken.
  • It is not advisable for students to have money or valuables in their possession.
  • Mobile phones are strictly prohibited.
  • Always endeavour to keep up the morale of the school by observing the school rules and respecting authority.
  • Good manners and etiquette are to be observed. Neatness in dress and deportment is expected. Politeness is the order of the day.
  • A medical Certificate should be produced if any student needs to be exempted from PT or games.
  • No student shall be allowed to go home during class hours unless a duly authorized person comes to take him/her with a letter from the parents.
  • A gate pass will be issued for those who go home for lunch during the recess. No student will be allowed to leave the premises without a gate pass duly signed by a school authority.
  • Students will not be called to answer telephone calls during class hours. Visitors are not permitted to see any pupil during class hours.
  • Students who come to school with their parents, guardians or servants should never leave the school before these arrive. In case of delay they should report the matter in the school office.
  • Students should refrain from quarrelling with each other in class or outside.
  • No books other than school books may be brought to school without the permission of the Principal.
  • Application for Transfer certificate should be submitted in the office in the prescribed form (as in the hand book).
  • Any kind of damage to school property must be made good or paid for. Students who deface the walls or furniture will be fined.
  • Presents to the teachers or demonstrations in their honour are not allowed without special permission from the Principal.
  • No party or excursion may be organized without the previous permission of the Principal.
  • Any money transaction or exchange of articles is forbidden.
  • Students who engage in malpractice during examinations will be subject to severe and strict action.

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